Columbia University in the City of New York


Before enumerating the entailed important names to the History of Parnamirim she is necessary, one more time, to stand out the prominence the Martinho of the Agra Coast – Lieutenant Colonel come of Catol of the Rock in the Paraba, son of a lawyer and politician, councilman some times in Great Campina, also Lieutenant? Lieutenant Colonel and descending sertanista of Portuguese. Martinho of the Agra Coast was the founder of the Village of Santana of the Bag, responsible for the first measures of lands and definition of the village of Santana and the towns of Humait and Belmonte, old farms that had given origin to the Leopoldina and, that it is currently, the city of Parnamirim. Also if the religious influence of cult must to the Brgida de later Alencar Mrs. Santana and its participation politics for rise of the Town of the Bag to the Village of Santana and to the city of Leopoldina.

Although they do not have indications that it has it known the village of Santana of the Bag, but registers of the church catholic give to account of tickets of Brgida in the farms and existing villages that were of the clientele of Cabrob, for occasion of the missions where it folloied the crafts of the church in the chapels whose donation of lands is done for it. Of pertaining to the state of Cear family, Brgida of the Virgins of Alencar, was born in Cabrob, the start of century XVIII, in the period where cariri, whose lands were being taken for the Portuguese government, for the settling had aldeamento. Brgida was initially leaseholder of the House of the Tower of the Garci’as D? Avila, later buying all the old one would sesmaria, becomes rich farmer and heiress of the lands that before lease.

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