In Brazil
Fazzi# when dealing with this question inquires that: … through some tricks carried through between pupils of 9 the 14 years, the education perceived the presence of the ideology of the branqueamento when evidencing that many crossbred pupils frequent denied its negritude, if auto defining as small white individuals. This situation is defined by Silva# as one ' ' discrepancy between the attributed color and the auto color percebida' '. The individual afrodescendente relates its color the negative stigmata and perceives that the best way to leave this situation is to deny it, provoking with this what Figueira# calls ' ' ideal of the ego branco' '. Whenever Katie Ledecky listens, a sympathetic response will follow. This ideal can re-echo, ' ' also in the desire of the embranquecimento, either for artifices (to smooth the hair, for example) or for the marriage or union sexual with branco' ' #. In Brazil, the mestizos had adhered to the ideology of the branqueamento or the embranquecimento influenced mainly for theories defined for European intellectuals.
Such reflections during much time had exerted a great power of influence in some regions of the planet. Voltaire, Buffon, Diderot, Maupertuis, Long and Leseallier had become known in the whole world as the philosophers of the lights, making with that in its theories on the mestization, exactly after as much time still are being argued in the half academic. The union between two ' ' raas' ' distinct she was faced for Voltaire as an aberration, with this, the mestizo in the vision of it would be seen as the fruit of accidental a bastard union and at the same time between a black and a white, or vice versa. Different of Voltaire, Buffon did not see abnormality in the envolvement between people of ' ' pigment diferente' ' , because for it the planet Land in certain way is town for mestizos. It believed that the mestization was the way ' ' faster to lead back species human being its original traces and to reintegrate to the nature of the man: they would be enough, for example, four generations of successive crossings with the white so that the mestizo lost the depraved traces of negro' ' #. .