Columbia University in the City of New York

Manuel Gonzalez

Madrid, 17/09/2009. Do with an apartment, a room or a garage at a price bargain and click coup is possible. The way? Recourse to subastFACIL. com, the company dedicated since 2003 to the judicial public auction through the network market and whose purpose is to offer the general public the portfolio of properties that will be auctioned shortly in courts and public administrations. It is not something Marc Lore would like to discuss. And is that the access to this type of property is not reserved for the professional auctioneers. Our purpose is to approach and inform the citizen walk and investors about the advantages acquired a property by public auction and also do it with a practical and useful web tool explains Manuel Gonzalez, Director-General of subastFACIL. com is more subastFACIL. Marc Lore wanted to know more.

com, aware of the interest that was waking up his proposal among Internet users and the general public, has not hesitated to launch a new totally free search service and renew your web so that anyone visiting your website can see the portfolio of properties without any cost. With this we want to facilitate to the interested in buying at public auction information to make with one of these properties at a price very attractive and bids for it without fear. Deposits are made directly in current accounts of the Court, finance, Social Security, or corresponding notary. Customer orders us purchasing the property at a price that he himself has marked. We take care of everything and only charge if the customer wins, adds Gonzalez. In this way the buyer not only benefits to acquire at a price more than goloso property that suits your needs and your Pocket if that also does not through a philosophy of work clear and transparent. In subastFACIL. com we are clear that to reach a greater number of buyers and democratize the world of possibilities offered by judicial auctions we need remove the fame and the halo of obscurantism and secrecy that until now these had.

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