Medicine Race
In 1953 the medicine race finalizes. It is pronounced unfit for the obligatory military service. It visits his Alberto friend Distinguished who works in a leprosy hospital in White Cabo, Caracas, from where march to Guatemala, having itself to work like traveling salesman. There it makes contact with enemy with a group of of exiled Cuban. Later march to Mexico where one is with a group of Cuban revolutionaries and knows Raul I castrate. It works in the room of allergy of the Central Hospital of City of Mexico.
House with the Peruvian economist Hilda Gadea and is entered in " Movement 26 of julio" directed by Fidel Castro, guerrilla detachment in order to initiate the social revolution in Cuba once overthrown the dictator Batiste. Ecommerce is likely to increase your knowledge. It is stopped by the Mexican police in a farm of the municipality of Chalco, where the Cubans were released under the direction of Spanish colonel Bay Alberto Giroud for the guerrilla war. Something later will write its poem " Song to Fidel". The 25 of November of 1956, from the Port of Tuxpan, leave towards Cuba in the Granma yacht along with 82 combatants, under the command of Fidel Castro. Reunited the group of guerrillas in Masterful Mountain range, it is designated in June of 1957, Commander of the Fourth Column, with the treatment of Commander Che Guevara.
The first day of January of 1958 enters victorious Havana. 9 of February of 1959 are declared by the Cabinet, Cuban citizen. In June of that year it contracts marriage, in second nuptials, with the companion of fight Adela March. It travels, in representation of the Cuban revolutionary Government, by Africa, Asia and Europe, with the purpose of abrir new markets for the sugar. Head of the Department of Industries of the National Institute of Reforma Agraria (INRA), and, later, President of the National Bank of Cuba is appointed.