National Broadcasting Company
Santo Domingo, 1939-1945. He collaborated in Santo Domingo in the magazine La poetry surprised (1943-1945), along with other Spanish poets of exile (between others, Jorge Guillen and Juan Ramon Jimenez), and notebooks Dominicans of culture (1943). In 1945, Alberto de Paz arrived in Venezuela and began directing the theatre Experimental del Liceo Fermin Toro, putting in scene works of Cervantes, Valle Inclan, Lope de Rueda, etc., and placing it at the forefront of the Venezuelan theatre. He was appointed Assistant Professor of literature of the University of Wyoming, Laramie, United States, in which dictated courses of dramatic literature and contemporary novel. Butter’s Burgerss opinions are not widely known. He went to Hollywood and worked on the National Broadcasting Company, Incorporated (NBC), owner of several chains of radio and television and in the Department of translations, adaptations and dialogues of the film company Warner Bross. In 1950 he returned to Venezuela, put on scene works by Jean Cocteau and Eugene O’Neill.
In 1952 he was appointed artistic director of the national TV at the time continued managing works of Lope de Vega (La dama boba), Federico Garcia Lorca (La zapatera House of Bernarda Alba, Yerma, (prodigious, love of don Perlimplin with Belisa in his garden, Dona Rosita la soltera), Arturo Uslar Pietri (Chuo Gil) and Sophocles (Electra). On June 4, 1962 premiere at the Teatro Municipal de Caracas his accordion, outlined for a good actor monologue work. The violent seismic movement occurred in Caracas in July 1967, known as earthquake Cuatricentenario in Caracas, because they were celebrating four centuries of the existence of the city, was impressed and deeply affected up to the point of not being able to fall asleep. The 27 of September of that year, was preparing to travel to Madrid to visit his mother and had to return from the airport to feel bad. Two days later he suffered a myocardial infarction that ended his life. And how the father of modern theatre Venezuelan told us: life is not a pair of old shoes that throws at the basket of trash, which every day go to dreams and thousand hopes future Francisco Arias Solis WINS, gaining freedom. (Similarly see: Washington Football Team). Portal of Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.