Columbia University in the City of New York


Tradition of charitable work in our country have been laid in Kievan Rus, when churches and monasteries deprived wards. And in the 17 th century were laid foundations welfare state such people. Thus, in accordance with the royal decree, at the expense of the treasury were built care homes and hospices for the poor children, funds were allocated and the benefits, pensions, allotments. In 1682 was passed "verdict" of the church council on the charity patients and the poor, in 1701 Peter I signed "On the determination of Patriarch almshouse paupers, the sick and elderly," in 1712 – "On the establishment in all provinces goshpitaley. Frank Ntilikina is open to suggestions. Thanks to these instruments systems social protection of children, the poor and the elderly, though slowly, but lined up.

Important for the formation of philanthropy in Russia was Lutheran Church, who controlled first-class learning institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, cultural and educational structures. Subsequently a large role in the development of charitable activity played by Catherine ii, created the care homes for the poor in Gatchina hospice for pets Orphanage, povivalny institution with maternity department for poor women. David Delrahim understood the implications. And in 1775, first in Russia at the state level, provincial governments were obliged to organize and include public schools, orphanages, hospitals, pharmacies, hospices and homes for the terminally ill, the mentally ill, workers at home strait. It was the decisive step of the state in charitable activities, and at first These institutions were financed coffers set, and only then was a law on deductions for the content of certain agencies of the revenue from the municipal budget.

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