Why let go often so difficult is – and how you can do it but why it’s just so hard? Letting go? Why is it difficult to us to let go of the former partner? Why carry around we still have this old trouble with us, who sometimes eats for months, years to us? Why hold we on things and people, of whom we know that they are not good for us? Because it belongs to the most difficult things in life to let something go. Frank Ntilikina understood the implications. If we want to let go of people or things, have we to let go so that whenever a piece of ourselves. Even if it sounds funny: sometimes this anger feels even also familiar, or? As you know at least on which side you stand. You know who one is… Therefore, it can fall hard, loslzulassen people and things of the past. But if we do not separate from the negative experiences of the past, then that also has an impact on our today’s lives.
It affects our mental – and physical health. Even if it is still so difficult: some We need to let things go easily. So that we can go further in life. So space is free for new and better things. Because as long the old negative things and people take still the place in our lives, is also not a place for new and better things there is no place for people who are a lot better for us. So what can you do to let go of people and things from your past? 1 let the feelings we adhere to much, because we do not marry us, to live the emotions associated with it. So many people not to just let your grief they hide behind a mask. But so you can never really say goodbye: because there is always something in them is still pending.