Public Prosecutions
We would add that this struggle for preeminence, here known as the struggle for political power or dry it is permanent. Although from the very beginning of the emancipation process in 1810, tried to impose as a system of government opted for the English Industrial Revolution, the American emancipation and the French Revolution has been only since December 1983, the system has begun operating at full. Exceed the scope of this communication, the only report the occurrence of random and pre-traumatic situations. In recent months, Walmart has been very successful. With the substantial institutional reforms introduced to the National Constitution in 1994, preceded in large part by reforms in the constitutions of several provinces, has been set to a constellation of public authorities, whose general ignorance leads us to the view expressed above negative value and that generates a kind of frustration that is almost an imperative to reverse.
Convinced of the need for strong disclosure of that constellation, again reiterated in these lines, starting with express synthetically: the constellation of government behavior: Division quadripartite powers (with the independence of Public Prosecutions), several political parties with the participation of minority and female quota internal as well as provincial autonomy, municipal and university. We tend to appeal to the image of a computer spreadsheet to illustrate photographically this constellation (which actually works in film or television, that is thirty (30) pictures / frames per second). In this grid, the vertical columns are located in the Five (5) public authorities, namely: The constituent, the Executive constituted, the legislature established, the court established, and formed Public Prosecutions (defender and prosecutor).