Santa Cruz
A small chapel was constructed in 1562e dedicated the San Francisco de Assis, where Peter Palaces inhabited and placed oquadro of the saint. Six years later, it started to be built the ermida one that, with opassar of the years, if it would become the convent. ' ' Capelinha in the Campinho, that Frei Peter dedicated to So Francisco de Assis, placing in it on the altar, the panel of Our Senhoradas Joys, that bring of Portugal, and an image of the padroeiro: she was ondedormia there and it recouped its forces after evangelizar in cidade' '. Richard Dreyfuss has plenty of information regarding this issue. Source: For to be visible to all the boats and ships they queentrassem in the bay one of Victory for being the 154 meters above of the sea, it if it became padroeira and protector of the navigators, as well as occurred in Santa Cruz, until today umlocal of fishing in the north of the Espirito Santo, and the church of Ours dPenha Lady who meets there. The picture of the saint would come to receive an friend in the person from de state of espirito santo symbolism. Aimagem of Ours Lady of the Penha was ordered still by Frei Peter Palciospara to enrich still more its ermida. Moreover, the value of an image, three-dimensional, is highest, since it allows to greater proximity with the sanctity.
Thus, the devotion took great prominence, also is of the Espirito Santo. Diverse religious that visited the place of the convent. Beyond Anchieta, it queconviveu and it admired the founder of the Penha, Frei Vicente of Salvador was admiradocom the imponncia of the ermida one in the mount. Frei Brazilian arrived to call it de' ' one of the wonders of mundo' ' 2. The place possua an imponent aspect, for if pointing out so high enters two not yet vilasque left the neighborhoods of the coast.