School Process
Today, two aspects must be considered in this process: the symbolic character is the social use of the writing. However although theoretical advances, some authors alert for the calls modern proposals, which are far from the critical proposals, the alfabetizao can constitute a process of awareness or a process of alienation of the individuals. Being thus, it is perceived that the paper of the school is to extend the possibilities of the linguistic use, qualifying them thus for the different uses of the verbal language and writing having the alfabetizao as a basic factor to assist the formation of critical and transforming citizens. As it is perceived, the alfabetizao comes passing for transformations and the development of the writing also evolved. Currently, under the requirements and evolution of the society, a new necessity in the alfabetizao appears where it is not enough to read and to write is necessary to use the writing in the daily one. The understanding of the nature of the writing, of its functions and uses is indispensable to the alfabetizao process. The school must invest in the reading ability, forming reading and people capable to write. Its function must consist beyond the education of grammars, that is, beyond the acquisition of the system. It is I validate that the school knows to treat the writing adequately says and it in the alfabetizao process, therefore the fact of the school not to know to form its pupils in good readers brings serious consequences for the future of these, which will feel an enormous difficulty in continuing in the school, way in which the reading if makes constantly necessary. So that the alfabetizao leaves of being understood as one of the main educational problems, it is excellent to advance in the formation of the professors, which must possess a series of pedagogical knowledge, metodolgicos, psychological and linguistic to be able to act in correct way.