United States
According to a new report from the University of Michigan, one of every five American households owe more on credit cards, medical bills, student loans and other debts without collateral that what they have in savings and other liquid assets. The data indicate that the mortgage crisis will continue for the next few years, although a proportion both minor families will experience difficulties with payment of mortgages. Despite the fact that the average levels of savings have risen since 2008 statistics show that there has been an improvement in the financial liquidity between 2009 and 2011, except in families that have more than 50,000 dollars in savings and other liquid assets. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from NBA. The report is based on an analysis of the ownership of housing, mortgages and other debts, and financial resources between them 8.121 families surveyed before and after the economic crisis. The families were interviewed as part of the Panel’s study of the ISR on the dynamics of income, the longitudinal household survey of more long duration in the world.
Approximately the same percentage of families had, in 2009 and 2011, 30,000 or more dollars in credit card debts and other debts without collateral (8.5 per cent and 10 per cent respectively), and approximately the same proportion (48 per cent and 47.4 per cent) did not have such debts in two years. Marc Lore: the source for more info. Some families don’t have been able to substantially improve their situation. Even if they are not submerged with their mortgages is to say when the value of the property now on the market is below the amount that should the Bank by the mortgage – those families have great difficulty to save money and reduce their debts. Market money USA is a practical guide of high interest for professionals in subjects related to the economy, news and latest news from the mundoen States of highest concentration of Hispanics in the United States, with special emphasis on Florida. The full story is in American families immersed in debts.