Latin America
In Montevideo under the Dominican order operates the Institute for studies of the problems of Latin America (IEPAL). In Santiago de Chile the Center for Social and economic development of Latin America; in Argentina the center of studies and Social Action of the society of Jesus; OCSH the work of priestly Hispanoamericana cooperation; The CIEC. Inter-American Confederation of Catholic education; CLAIR. Confederation Latin American religious; ILADES. Instituto Latinoamericano de doctrine and Social studies. The effectiveness of the Church on the continent of hope expresses it as I call him Juan Pablo II. The more refined organic composition is the CELAN; to him concerning the indissoluble Conference Catholic Bishops of Latin America.
The Episcopal Council itself is constituted by a representative delegate and an alternate replacement elected by each national Episcopal Conferences. To develop its functions. The CELAN has the following organization: A President Secretary General General Secretariat the CELAN is headquarters to Bogota annual meetings. CELAM facilitates its assistance to the Episcopal Conferences of the continent through many actions but primarily by reason of their twelve specialized departments: set liturgy Committee of Pastoral Latin American faith ecumenism missions vocations seminars Pastoral University education action Social 10.