Compression Process
This is why the leadership should be distributed or shared among group members. Thus, all participants in the group tend the opportunity to develop their capacities for To lead. a 4) a Flexibility: The objectives set by the group, should be completed in accordance with the methods and procedures to be adopted. However, the needs, circumstances and difficulties can suggest amendments or changes to achieve them. At this time, when the group should assume an attitude of flexibility to adapt to new changes and requirements of the situation.
a 5) a Compression Process: a The group members must learn to differentiate the content and process of their own group. Example: when we look OEDE trachea a the group is talking about (what is said), attention is focused on the content (information). a When we look at a OEDE What a way the group is facing its communication (a como things are said ), ie a QUIEN talking to whom , a QUIENES Tell us , Tell us CUANDO a , a COMO IS THE KEY OF THE Voza , etc.. , Attention is focused on the group process (Action). a Here then are some examples that can help us differentiate the CONTENT, the group’s process and to achieve greater theoretical understanding of this principle: a CONTENT PROCESS authority to talk about problems at school, a can mean talk about the bad things that often are staff meetings can mean that there is a struggle for control of leadership among the group of teachers.