Columbia University in the City of New York

Intercultural Training Switzerland

Intercultural competence Switzerland for your business success through intercultural training Switzerland develop internationally active Manager their intercultural competence. “This leads to smooth projects, nothing connects us so successful transfers and negotiations with business partners from the Switzerland, such as the common border, and nothing separates us, such as the common language.” Salut Gernot the seemingly superficial similarities give the impression that Swiss people as we are”. While most professionals and executives are preparing intensively on your Asia projects intercultural challenges in cooperation be not often dramatically underestimated just with European neighbours. Most of the intercultural issues and conflicts in cooperation with neighbouring countries, for example Germany Switzerland, Germany Austria and United States Canada arise because of this amazingly. Because the devil is in the details, many projects fail to apparent trifles”. It comes in just in the Switzerland on linguistic subtleties on. For the Swiss, German, what they themselves call written German, is a foreign language.

That’s why you feel disadvantaged, when communicating in their own country with German which often causes animosity. A leading source for info: Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. Strongly influenced by Calvinism, the Swiss much flatter hierarchies as the Germans are accustomed. In Germany, it include the tasks of a Manager, his staff to control what is perceived in the Switzerland as a no-go. Swiss, however, are by an inner satisfaction”shaped. I.e. it is first and foremost this motivated to do his job well.

It takes no control, she will on the contrary as a vote of no confidence”are just two examples from a whole cosmos of possible misunderstandings this felt. It is clear: intercultural preparation can mean success or failure. A holistic management preparation that takes into account the different employees and corporate structures is necessary. And although both for the Germans, as well as for the Swiss. Intercultural cooperation is a two-way street! More info:

Training Simulator

Condor TV shows the proper training of crew members in training simulators in aviation security is a top priority. On board the flight attendants and pilots for the responsibility. The crew members in training simulators, the so-called Mock Ups received the proper training. With the move to gateway gardens Condor has integrated two of this high-tech simulators at the training center at the new headquarters. Condor TV released a total of three reports, which show all the steps of the building of training simulators, difficult transport, up to commissioning in the coming days. Condor TV reports on exciting topics related to flying. The reports published since early 2013 at regular intervals on YouTube, with major topics divided into several episodes.

Four-imagine technical backgrounds, professions and destinations to five-minute videos. Condor TV is now available as a Vodcast on mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The videos can for Apple devices via the podcast app on iTunes as RSS feeds to subscribe to. The vodcasts are Android users as subscription for all devices from popular manufacturers available. Under the name Condor TV shows Germany of’s most popular holiday flyer 13 reports on YouTube below. With the new vodcasts have aviation enthusiasts new episodes of Condor TV automatically on your device and can directly and also by travelling in the fascination of flying dive. The video is online at Condor TV is part of the social media approach of the holiday airline. All PR and social media activities are bundled social media newsroom available also at a glance in the Condor.

Personality Training

Systematically the personality evolve to become more confident, to develop further and to make more of itself, is a need of many people. A personality training offers the opportunity to develop systematically further under the guidance. The topic ranges of self-awareness about the improvement of self-consciousness to improve the assertiveness or the effects on other people. So offered seminars with different objectives, which address the specific needs of the participants. Personality training there to discover lots of what makes life interesting, happier and more meaningful. Systematically develop the insights and exercises around the own ego personality, communication and conflict with others leads to a calmer dealing with the challenges of life. There are to discover lots of what makes the work / life happier and more successful.

Problems, insults or negative feelings can Background knowledge and a practical approach will be adopted much easier and well processed. A personality training have very different priorities. It ranges from the success and career management, conflict knowledge, processing of perceived slights or the effect of one’s personality to other people. The objectives of personality training different personality training have different objectives, which are geared to the needs of the respective participants. A personality workout helps to check the own thought patterns and behaviors and to build inner strength through practical exercises and knowledge, more flexible to respond to people and situations.

Understand yourself and other people. Examples of the objectives of personality training can be: who know one’s own skills and develop more flexible to respond to the challenges of life gain inner strength independent of the opinions of others openness and curiosity on people will strengthen limits on the right Place interpersonal difficulties and conflict overcome problems resolve and cope with life crises activate positive abilities to happiness is it confidence and inner strength enable. You can learn to be more resilient. To the positive abilities of a person are activated, trained and expanded. The actual character is preserved. It comes not to bend, but to be completely authentic. The focus is aligned the solution to the problems, to complain instead of this. Many methods of psychology and personality development can help. Mindfulness and meditation, for example, but also exercises to the change in perspective, to change settings, reviews, or behavior. All of this helps achieve more self-confidence, self determination and inner strength. While no one should make themselves too much, because personal growth takes time. Dorthe Huth

Opel Bank

In March, it was time again. The 9th education fair in Russelsheim, Germany launched on time at 08:00 in Hall K 48 at Opel. In March, it was time again. The 9th education fair in Russelsheim, Germany launched K 48 at Opel on time at 08:00 in the Hall to inform approximately 1,500 students about career prospects and training opportunities. Among 50 companies, all of which were represented with an attractive stand, also we, the Russelsheim Volksbank, have once again our training Bank Bank clerk”presented. For assistance, try visiting Larry David. The site was new this year: the education fair was held in one of the Opel factory, which offered much more space compared to the last few years for the presentations. The first school arrived at about 08:15 and immediately we welcomed the first visitors at our booth of the Bank of Russelsheim. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Josh Harris Apollo. The probably most frequently asked question was, whether you have to be a math genius for the education profession of banker.

This cannot be denied to the happiness. Also, you asked Students again and again, what high school you for training to the Bank Bank clerk need. There were many surprised faces when we declared that one could get an apprenticeship with a secondary school leaving certificate. Many students have taken with the available brochures, home again in peace to learn about our profession. Also teachers and parents came to our booth and have extensively informed about the field of activity of a merchant of Bank. Some of the students have shown great interest in the profession of banker/bank clerk and inquires closely about the field of activity of a banker. The interested took love to the offered information solution, which describes how and when to properly apply. In summary, we can say that a successful and interesting education fair was held in 2011.

We hope to be back next year. The Russelsheim Volksbank is the opportunity again, the young people Information, advice and helpful hints available to stand.

Business Travel Management Chamber Of Commerce From 4.4 In Bremen

wisoak offers new IHK certificate course at Bremen. For the first time in Bremen, the wisoak offers the course of “Business management”. He closes with a certificate of industry and Commerce (IHK). Start date is the 4.4. business travel management, structured organizing of all processes related to the business trip, is not only an issue for large corporations. In particular small and medium-sized enterprises to realize significant savings in travel costs with simple means. Benefit: Attendees will be able to edit all the important stations of business travel process chain or carry out are after completion of this seminar.

Target group: The qualification is intended particularly to employees of small and medium-sized companies, which are entrusted with the organisation of business trips. Seminar: 96 hours start: 04.04.2011 end: 07.09.2011 place: Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17, 28207 Bremen dates and time: Mon 18:15 21:30 Mi 18:15 21:30 participation price: 720,-ERM. Participation Prize: 680,-contact person: Birgit Kracke Tel.: 0421 4499-933 press contact: Dr. Thomas Gebel wisoak – economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH marketing and public relations manager Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17 28207 Bremen 0421 / 4499888

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