The World Is Changing … Always
What? We are in XXI century and on an average day we have days which are rainy, sunny, cloudy or snowy. For more information see this site: Greg Mankiw. The world keeps spinning on its axis and around the Sun, as we left last night, we return to our work, our studies, etc. What makes us different from the people who lived some 3,500 years? What tools, technology, challenges to live (or survive)? Of course now we are different, more sophisticated, with further advances, or no? The reality is that, despite all our advances, we still face the same challenges on how to live, be happy, be strong and overcome our obstacles and how to succeed and succeed in life. But they are the same challenges not mean we can sit back and wield a “technique” of the past, it is our duty to our own answers, because the paradox is that the same world where we live, tour differently for each . Need change. So the first thing we should stop and think a little is the need for changes to occur. I read once that someone asked for the stands for growth and, among all the answers, someone said, “pain, growing up is synonymous with pain.” Since then I’ve had in my mind that word. We all wish that life was easier, but the truth is that often there to experience certain things that are negative, but over time we realize that without those experiences, probably would not have matured. In this connection, I sometimes am tempted to think that in reality there are no negative experiences or positive experiences, they are first of all experiences and are what we make of them.