This article approaches the connection to the Internet for the net of electric energy. One is about a new technology, but that it comes being studied it has many years and recently it only offered resulted satisfactory in its practical applications. This technology comes being successfully tested in some residences in the parents and exterior. With the improvement of this technology and exceeding the barriers that will appear in the way, it will be able to revolutionize the connection to the Internet. The connection saw net electric will provide ample digital inclusion, making possible that all the houses that possess electric energy have a connection of quality to an accessible cost. He will be boarded also in this article the beginning of functioning of this new emergent technology, its limitations, empecilhos and also to detach its viability to be implanted in the residences, companies and too much localities. Word-Key: BPL. Recently Swami Sez sought to clarify these questions.
PLC. Electric. Internet. Net ABSTRACT This article discusses the connection you the electrical Internet through power grid. This is new technology, but that has been studied will be many years and only recently gave satisfactory results in practical applications. Several This technology has been tested successfully on homes in the country and abroad. With the im-provement of this technology, and overcoming barriers that arise along the way, it could revolutionize the connection you the Internet. To power line connection will provide wide digital inclusion, enabling all households having electricity connection have quality at an affordable cost.
Also discuss in this article the working principle of this new emerging technology, its limitations, ob-stacles and also highlight its feasibility you be deployed in homes, businesses and to other locations. Keywords: BLP. PLC. Electric. Internet. Network. Multiplexing. 1.INTRODUO the idea of if using the half existing physicists already in the electric net for transmission of data for power lines is being conceived has much time.
New distance learning technologies are gradually becoming part of our lives. Innovations in education are designed to assist in the preparation of competent and competitive professionals. In biology in general, and in the anatomical science in particular, learning is primarily based on the real drugs. Study the structure of the bones on the picture you can of course, but here as practice shows, learning from the textbook focus on the real object rather difficult. Therefore, despite the fact that the Internet today there are many sites of anatomical museums, the possibility of using them in the learning process are limited. However, the development of technology is not standing still, and today there is an opportunity to study three-dimensional models of organs and structures. Especially a lot of three-dimensional models can be found for the human anatomy. In the study of zoology and anatomy of the same animals, the number of available high-quality three-dimensional models is small.
Therefore, the basis for training in this area still are flat images. Of course, the students in specialized high schools have the opportunity to work with real drugs, but life drugs that are in "active use" short-lived, so a set of drugs is often incomplete, and the demonstration material is damaged. So in a famous university students studying veterinary skeleton horse, the bones of which was replaced by bone cow. It is clear that the quality of the knowledge gained in this way, say no. As for example, school children, on the biology classes, they almost always have to teach the subject only speculative, on the textbook.
Fill shortage of teaching materials can help a virtual 3D-anatomical museum department of anatomy of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. By registering on the site and download a special program that anyone can get into the 3D-space of the anatomical museum. Unlike the real museum, the exhibits you can take hands, viewed from all sides take apart and assemble again. Another feature of the 3D-anatomical museum is that it can be organized as separate classes and lessons with a teacher and even guided tours. On the basis of the virtual museum and scientific conferences and organized correspondence courses of biology and statistical data processing in a biological experiment.
Turbine steam turbine Leningrad Metal Plant (LMZ) PT-80/100-130/13 condensation with governing the selection of parameters and two-stage district heating production is intended for direct-drive generator. The turbine is single-shaft two-cylinder unit, consisting of HPC and LPC. Deaerirovanie feed water in the deaerator is operating at a pressure of 0.6 MPa. Steam consumption per unit at full load is 480 tons / hour Filling loss of condensate produced desalinated water coming from the HVO in the turbine condenser. At power installed a feed pump type PE 580-185/200-2. 4.PODGOTOVITELNYE work before the conservation work on the unit was developed, agreed and approved work program. Scrapbooks pipe samples c heating surfaces of boiler unit before its conservation have not been made.
Considering this factor, as well as properties to produce ODACON washing performance of deposits, the development program was made four stages conservation regime. Mounted metering pump with capacity of up to 30 l / h and pressure up to 10 bar. The metering pump membrane, the suction connected to the lower fitting plastic container V = 1,0 m3 emulsion ODACON, feed on the dosing pump was carried out on the feed pump suction line for dosing of hydrazine. The pump has a smooth adjustment of performance. Connect the pump-dispenser was made with flexible reinforced hoses.
Prior to the conservation of plant feed was tested emulsions ODACON. Noted that the dosing system is functioning properly and preservative ready for use. Workplace for laboratory analysis were prepared in him.laboratorii and with all the necessary him.reaktivami, him.posudoy and appliances. Pre-constructed calibration curve for determine the concentration of ODACON in accordance with the method. Works on CONSERVATION UNIT 80 MW. 5.1.Parametry unit prior to conservation: – load …………………………………. … 55Mvt. – Flow of feed water …………….. 300 t / h – temperature pit.vody ………………….. 240 0 C – the temperature of superheated steam ………
The r & d Department has developed as a novelty worldwide, a revolutionary product for repairing the system antipollution DPF (Diesel particulate filter). Due to European regulations limiting emissions of polluting gases, automakers are forced to design and manufacture new filtering systems such as the DPF. Here is a real alternative to the replacement of the filter. Due to European regulations limiting emissions of polluting gases, automakers are forced to design and manufacture new filtering systems such as the DPF. Further details can be found at Frank Ntilikina, an internet resource. Currently the majority of diesel engines and all future should mount, as well as the catalyst, an additional filter located posterior to this, which has the Mission of filtrating particles of soot. Thus, pollution levels are significantly reduced. Due to the nature of the system and for this to filter larger particles, it is necessary to manufacture it with a panel highly restrictive, although the system is very effective, but at the same time it is easy that is clogged. Indeed manufacturer is already knowledgeable of this program the vehicle so using pressure sensors, it knows when is blocking and prepares a regeneration.
DPF equipped vehicle to have the ability to regenerate, need a minimum parameters which, varying values according to the brands, are:.A given load.Minimum engine rpm.A pressure difference between inlet and outlet of filter.A minimum temperature in the appliance. All these parameters must be give in addition for a time determined by the brand. When these parameters meet the car regenerates and returns the filter to a State of normal shutter. The problem lies in that when these parameters are not met, the vehicle does not regenerate and will exponentially, by dabbing until you reach a level where regeneration is not possible for safety reasons. When this type of situation occurs in the most cases has to replace the entire filter. For this costly problem, a product which, applied through the probe before the filter has developed, breaks up larger particles, causing the shutter, so that these already if they can pass through and re-do the regeneration. The application from the 131 TUNAP is made using a gun to specific pressure which brand comes with a tool which is inserted into the filter so that sprayed pressurized.
The set comes a second product which is a neutralizer of alkalinity in the first and in this way we protect the materials after cleaning. The product is water based, so no danger of any kind by putting the vehicle into operation, since it lacks of solvents. He then mounts the probe and should circulate with the vehicle for 15-20 minutes to make the particles pass through the filter and is desobture. With this process, filter that saturation should replace, can be used without any inconvenience. The TUNAP 131 application is made using a gun to specific pressure which brand comes with a tool which is inserted into the filter so sprayed under pressure. The set comes a second product which is a neutralizer of alkalinity in the first and in this way we protect the materials after cleaning. The main brands of automobiles of our country have been positively tested this new product, opening clear expectations in maintenance of vehicles, including the warranty period.