The Day
However it has situations where ' is necessary; ' dobrar' ' the planto, ouseja, instead of working 12h to work 24h followed. Such situation becomes otrabalho exhausting, harming the quality of the attendance due to the fatigue, the fatigue and the sleep of the plantonistas. In accordance with Dejours (1994), the balance or fatigue pelotrabalho occurs due to psychic load of the work, that is constituted of umareteno of pulsional energy that drift of the relation of the worker with aorganizao. This psychic load can present positive when trabalhose becomes fatigante, or refusal when it allows to the reduction of this cargapsquica and the increase of the pleasure in the work. Such factor must be taken emconsiderao, therefore the potential of sprouting of proceeding insanities dotrabalho depends on the form where the worker canalizes this energy. Such fatortem relation of interdependence with the social context of the activity of work, beyond the relations between the work and the proper organization. ' ' The fatigue is a not specific witness of sobrecargaque weighs on one or another one of the sectors of the psychic organism and somtico' '. (DEJOURS, 1994).
In this in case that the necessity appears of flexibilizao daorganizao of the work. Such change would propitiate a reorganization of the time porparte of the worker who could canalize the existing psychic load in suarelao with the activity of work and better deal with its proper escolhasno labor context. It is important to remember that at night, the contact with the team effect for telephone and in the intervals between the atendimentos profissionaisaproveitam, them to rest a little. Depending on the advance of the hours, sireneque must be set in motion as soon as the ambulance immediately leaves, he is not ligadapara not to bother the neighbors and because, according to professional, not hproblemas of displacement in dawn transit. The example of situation with work overload, one fatoocorreu with the interviewed one in a planto fold (it worked the day ea all entire dawn).