The Growth
According to BONCI (1993), the nutricionais recommendations for corridors of deep include: Adequate supply of energy for the muscular training in the form of carboidratos and lipdios; Adequate protein consumption for the growth and muscular repair and maintenance of the healthful imunolgico system; Hidratao adjusted for maintenance of the plasmtico volume; Adequate ingestion of micronutrients. CARBOIDRATOS AND EXERCISES OF Desde1920 RESISTANCE, Medicina has shown that the more you exercise yourself, does not matter in which sport, greater will be the energy necessity demanded by its organism (CARLSON, 2000), that it will have to be through the good feeding (BACURAU, 2000). According to WOLINSKY & HICKSON (2002) carboidrato starts to be one of the components most important in the feeding of the human beings, for presenting an important power plant for the metabolism? the glucose. The glucose supplies to necessary energy the development and maintenance of all the cellular functions, preserves the proteins, active the carboidrato metabolism and fat, mainly during a physical activity drawn out (BLACKSMITH, BARAGGION & MASSUDO, 2004). Moreover, it is the only energy substratum for the central nervous system, having the carboidratos to compose 50% approximately 60% of the total energy value ingested daily (WILMORE & COSTILL, 2000). When we are in exercising to the muscular cells use as combustible the glycogen of the energy reserves, through the set free energy for the glucose in addition (CARLSON, 2000). In data moment, when these reserves start to be to deplete and the athlete if it feels depleted by the energy substratum lack physically, the replacement of the glycogen is vital to reactivate to keep income (WILMORE & COSTILL, 2000). When consuming the starch, that is transformed into glucose, this is used for storaged production of energy or as muscular and/or heptico glycogen that finishes being used in the daily activities (RODRIGUES, 2005). The heptico and muscular glycogen represents the biggest energy substratum reserves (DORNAS, 2005).