The Magic
The conversation (non verbal language) should not be exclusive heritage of a specific sector of the population. Jerome James oftentimes addresses this issue. It does not presuppose intellectuals, even less cultural requirements. A mind not cultivated academically may have a rich capacity of anecdote that explode experiential themes own or outside in a way full of pleasant and enriching shades, and, why not, reflective and self-critical. A matter of simple condition can be refurbished by a charismatic talkative supplementing with sympathy and grace what lacks in depth. A seasoned sparring can make certain everyday details of their existence (romances, travel, sports, culture, science, jokes, grotesque facts, daily, politics, etc.), all a happening of the oral expression with only put a little spirit to his litany.
Obviously a well understood cultural contribution significantly strengthens art talk. (We note here the existence of those specimens (seudo-culturizados, dark architects of deception and banality, that pretending to publicly bear the stigma of the transcendence, not go be what a popular philosopher described as scholars of headlines, the snob pontiffs and the extreme) does not imply the above that is inherent to the cult or the wise be able to Captivate with the labia. How many is that despite their baggage are made unbearable by its tendentious, arrogant, disjointed, incoherent or deeply technical nature?. And it is not only good conversationalist who dominates their partners with the magic of his easy, fluid, docile, enigmatic or picaresque prose; not only one that obliges that let’s you absorbed by his grace or how bright it is the topic. It is also that parco individual that respecting the sequence and the schema of your chat partner launches him intelligent and precise question at the right time, resulting in a renewal of spirit and motivation on the part of one and a confirmation of his interest in part of this. It is, as is sensed, a superb listener, allowing us to come closer to other characteristics of the good conversationalist: his capacity to listen, respond and respect the stranger discourse. .