The Old History Of Naam
Heading: The old history of Naam As to get rid of the problems of the life Text: II Kings 5:1 Introduction: 1-This is the first versicle that registers for us the extraordinary history of this man, Naam, commander of the army of the king of the Syrian. 2- This text is important because it in them portraies a picture of a principle taught for all part in the Holy Writs, and that it is of vital importance in the context of all the Christian salvation. The message of the Bible is only one. Two Wills (to give details), a Book however one only message! has in the world some pseudo-scholars fools that if they say so practical and does not have time to read the Bible Theoretician is not a book simply It is an alive book Heb 4:12; Jo 6:63 c It they come to have accurately with us where we are for saying us which half the cause of our problems and which the only one for which we can freeing in them of them. The VT uses appeared language Heb 10:1 The NT is clearly and objective However in both the principle is the same 3- In all the Bible is clearly of Gnesis the Apocalypse that only has a way of salvation and this way is the faith in the lamb of God who takes off the sin of the world. Jo 3:16 Pablo speaks on this in its epistles Ef 2:8 The VT portraies this in the life of Abel; Abrao; Isaque; Jac; Moiss; Davi; the prophets and etc Transistion: This Naam man is a great illustration concernente to this fact: I The first truth that we get of this ticket is that the sin is something that ruins the life.