Art Education
Art, in a general way, is characterized for a quality of being a rich field of experimentations, opened to the new compositions and elaborations, therefore it considers looks differentiated on the reality. It is always important to stand out that the Art for these qualities becomes an important educative work very, therefore it looks for, through the individual trends, to direct the formation of the taste, stimulates intelligence and it contributes for the formation of the personality of the individual, without having as more important concern only to the formation of artists. When used through the projects in the schools, this resource can lead to the chance of if obtaining a creative work, where the individual uses and perfects processes that develop the perception, the imagination, the comment, the reasoning, the gestual control. Such affirmation is based on a reflection on the pertaining to school pedagogical activities, and has that to register an item of our reflection on this subject of that, as the Art. 3 of the New LDB, Law in. 9394 of 20 of December of 1996, we find the affirmation ' ' Education will be given on the basis of the following principles: II – Freedom to learn, to teach, to search and to divulge the culture, the thought, the art and knowing ' ' Although the displayed one to be foreseen in law that guides the pertaining to school educative action, not only exists the necessity of awareness of the educators, as well as of all the Society. In this manner, we consider basic to think on the importance of the Art in our Schools. It was accurately using me of these results of reflections obtained on the subject that appeared a concern of the true importance of the artistic production to the creative cognitivo development of the child, and the conclusion fond can be of great importance in the human development, also and mainly in the pertaining to school infantile phase.