Health Organization and Education
The obesidade happens in the first years of life, enters the 5 6 years and in the adolescence, it has grown enters the infantile public about 10% 40% in these last 10 years (WORLD-WIDE ORGANIZATION OF the HEALTH, 2010). The style of life of the society provoked innumerable changes in the habits of the population, thus, contributed directly for the growth of the obesidade, due to lack of good alimentary habits and the sedentarismo, involving ambient factors (familiar, pertaining to school and half scope where it lives), economic (purchasing power) and genetic. Practical the regular one of physical activity goes beyond the weight control, backwards great benefits, in such a way psychological, how much social physicist and, being called a esportiva medicine, assisting in the prevention and reversion of illnesses. ' ' The health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of illness or enfermidade' ' (World-wide Organization of the Health, cited for Lewis, 1986, p.1100). The work will present some precursory illnesses of the obesidade, exercises recommended for the public obeso, next to the physical activity as quality of life and the paper of the professional of Physical Education to fight the same one. 1. OBESIDADE AND OBESIDADE MRBIDA the obesidade is an multifactorial chronic illness, where the alimentary ingestion is superior to the energy expense, I accumulate it occurs it of corporal fat. The called individual ' ' obeso' ' ' exceeds the corporal fat of the called individual; ' gordo' ' (that one that this above of its ideal weight), from the obesidade it can there unchain diverse illnesses, such as: cardiovascular, digestive, renais illnesses, diabetes, ortopdicos, hepticos problems among others. The evaluation of the obesidade can be made measuring the circumference of the waist or for the reason of the circumference of the waist and the hip and by means of the Index of corporal mass (IMC).