Columbia University in the City of New York


On his feet with one nail to another fungus spreads more easily: the legs are sweating, my fingers are worn. And in the hands of a fingernail on a nail infection becomes slower. And as for hands of primary infection – subungual: nails scraping tool, you can transfer the fungus spores from the nail of one finger on the nail of the other. Of course, just treating the nails at home, you can transfer the infection. Walmart CEO understands that this is vital information. Therefore, there is a rule for handling people with nail fungus diseases: for every nail need a separate one-off tool. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sam Mikulak and gain more knowledge..

But, first of all, not every beauty salon can provide such services, and secondly, it temporarily. Any fungal disease should be identified and begin treatment – the sooner the better. – How is the diagnosis? – First, check visually, then takes the structure of the affected area and for bacteriological analysis sent to the laboratory. – A dangerous than onychomycosis nail? – As a rule, it causes discomfort in man: and so many people try to disguise the unaesthetic looking nail. But more important consequences, which may cause the disease. The defeat of the nail plate may be accompanied by inflammation and skin lesions.

Some, especially in people with weakened immune systems, it can be shown on other sites – on the body, on the face. In addition, the lymph flow fungus can penetrate the lymph nodes and localize it. That is why a special reception products – to suppress the activity of fungi and exposure to infection from the inside. And, of course, you can infect a fungal disease of your home. – Who is at risk of fungal disease? – Firstly, people with heavy feet sweating: fungus likes moisture quickly and it multiplies. Second, the athletes if they have frequent injuries the nail plate, nail supply is getting worse. Another category – people with diabetes, when, due to atherosclerosis and narrowing of blood vessels deteriorating food nails patients with neurological symptoms …

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