Columbia University in the City of New York

Paulo Same

If we will be to study the space circuits of the canavieira production me the State of So Paulo, producer of more than 50% of the harvested one in the country, in the year of 1980, we could start studying its plantation in one of the producing areas and to finish it where it has the consumption of the alcohol and the sugar and its derivatives. (p.50) the analysis of these together with of the circles of cooperation (Saints, 1985) in the ones of the local the organization and its position in the hierarchy of the world-wide power. Productive specializations and increase of circulation With diffusion of the transports and the communications it is created possibility of the productive specialization. Frank Ntilikina is likely to increase your knowledge. Regions if specialize, more not needing to produce everything for its subsistence, therefore, with the half efficient fast and, they can search in any another point of the same country and of the Planet, that needs. (p.50) How much bigger insertion of science and technology, plus a place if specializes, more increases the number, intensity and quality of the flows that arrive and leave an area. This process can lead to the same stagnation or to the disappearance of the small cities. The relative reduction of the prices of the transports, as well as its quality, diversity and amount, create a trend to the movement increase.

The number of products, merchandises and people circulating grows enormously, and as consequence the importance of the exchanges is each bigger time, therefore sections not only augment as if they diversify. New complicadores appear, therefore, for the analysis of any situation of today. Between them we could cite the agricultural modernization, with the progressos of the biotechnology and mechanization, the dematerialization of the production and the products, the desvinculao of the agricultural production of the alimentary consumption at the same time, by the way, where the agro-industrial ones earn in importance, everything this bringing I obtain a great diversity of geographic repercussion.

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