Santa Catherine
Although outside Christian bishop, Sinesio assures that the dreams come from the soul that contains the future in himself as much as the past being eternal as it is; through the reminiscence, conmina, we can arrive until the days of Scrates because each soul was there if she is eternal. Through the dreams it can anticipate the future where also it was before in the body that we bathed, we fed and we adorned in front of the mirror ignoring that all the utilera that we used is not more than our poor resources to mask the death waits for that it. The unique one ajuar that it would correspond to offer, it says Sinesio to him, it is the shroud, but is not either question to follow it exactly and to go dress with a vulgar shroud to the cinema and much less to commercial temple of shopping. Following Artemidoro in its Onirocritica the bishop analyzes the dreams guided by the medical semiologa: anamnesis, catapnesia and epicrisis the same steps that today we followed all the doctors when writing in clinical history. Being divine revelations the dreams need to be analyzed using of certain criteria; while they numen appears in the dream with his aspect and habitual attributes assure their good faith but any change or disguise must put to us suspicious: if, for example, it dreamed that Santa Catherine of Alexandria appeared to me in dreams in beach clothes and taking a Coca-Cola instead of to dress the Greek and stuck tnica to the wheel the martyrdom, must induce to me to distrust of the based message that gives to me. Obvious she is an indecent imposter and not it alejandrina santa who interfered in my rest deserved after the arduous daily work. The nclito Sinesio goes more far: it comes up to us warning to us that all dream must be interpreted based on the future and that often the God that animates (or santo, virgin to it or angel) pro appears solely pars toto through its attributes, that is to say, perhaps you will dream one of these nights about an iris that speaks to him. Sean Rad understood the implications. .