Columbia University in the City of New York

MCF Analysis

Seems to be natural, but it has children that they are not displayed to these activities and fits the school, the function to develop them. The analysis consists of decomposing a word in parts and the synthesis is the opposite, part of pieces of the word for all. In this stage the grammatical rule of the syllables is not important, therefore the word is divided phonetic. These two activities, analysis and synthesis are complementary between itself. This methodology if becomes more efficient because she is synthetic. Through the process of the decoding, the pupil makes the analysis (to decompose) and the synthesis (to join). For example, the pupil decomposes the word in its lesser components until arriving at fonemas represented by the letters: the analysis.

In the same way, the pupil who is learning to read a necessary word to join the sounds: synthesis. This is synthetic education. Beyond synthetic, fnico education must be systematic and to obey the criteria. Criteria that give the sequncia of education. In first place it comes the vowels, later the continuous consonants (l, f, m, v, n). Later it comes consonants b, t, d, P. Aps initial and final s and r and follows with s and c in its diverse sounds. The consonantais dgrafos and meeting come finally together with the too much consonants.

2.Sntese In the program Alfa and Beto, the decoding is the chapter most important of all the alfabetizao process. Each lesson of the book explores two blocks of activities: the reading and some application of development of the specific abilities of the decoding. Each block of activities has a specific objective to be reached. The activities of fonmica conscience are deepened in agreement the sound of the letter studied in the day. The exercises include aliteraes, assonncias and constraint-languages and the professor uses its MCF (manual of conscience fonmica) whenever to need.

The Foreign Language

The PCNs de Foreign Lngua for example, speaks of the importance of the learning of some languages, is instead of an only language, if to put in practises one politics of linguistic pluralism. The Foreign Language involves a complex process of reflection on social reality, economic politics and, with important intrinsic value in the qualification process that takes the release. Thus it is part of the construction of the citizenship. In the practical one, they do not leave the education of the grammar, and that they make the pupils to think: so that I learn this? The PCNs defends that when increasing the knowledge on language that the pupil constructed on its language materna, by means of comparisons with the foreign language in some levels is possible the perfect interaction between the LM and the LE thus the learning of a new language also improves the ability of the pupil in the language materna. But, the reality of classroom is well different. The pupils to each day that passes if become more disinterested for the English lessons, find them enfadonhas and some still risk to say that they do not obtain to understand the Portuguese, Materna Language, the more a foreign Language which they do not possess access. In Brazil for the most part of the Brazilian schools, the focus standard is the ability of reading, guided for the PCNs, what it does not completely exclude the exposition of the pupil the verbal understanding, however, does not imply in this enrollment. The biggest social applicability of the education of Foreign Language is to help the integral development of the letramento of the pupil; since the reading takes care of the necessities of the formal education and on the other hand are the ability that the pupil can use in its immediate social context. The reading has primordial function in the school and to learn to read in another language can collaborate in the performance of the pupil as reading in its Materna Language.

State Teaching

To be teacher always was my dream. Thanks to God and my mother, I obtained to carry through it. I am a very happy teacher. Me I feel carried through yes, I love excessively. It is a personal and professional accomplishment, I feel as useful the people, carried through. Taste to be with the people, to feel me important while professional. (Teacher F). To be professor is without a doubt desgastante yes, but it is possible if to prevent and to prevent complications that possibly come to move away it from the classroom. In this direction the participation of the State becomes necessary, of the society and the educators, detaching the importance of the dialogue, in the search of concrete measures that have for purpose the valuation of the education, the teaching and mainly that it gives to the necessary conditions of work and human beings to these professionals. Conclusion When analyzing the questions brought in this article we perceive that to if dealing with quality of teaching life, it must be considered when evaluating the conditions of the professional exercise, all the elements that affect, directly or indirectly the health of the worker. It is important to think that the activity of work is strong on to the process of adoecimento of the workers, Valley to remember that the insatisfaes, constaints the one who are displayed throughout its professional history, are one of the reasons that come to cause some damages for its physical health and mental being that the teaching activity is demanded daily the physicist and the psychological one, in such a way it is clearly that the work conditions, the precarizao of I teach and the perception that the professor has on its reality professional, has direct relation with its health mental physics.

Luciana Teacher

of Andrade, that simplismente is more than special and left to all the visitors of this day, fascinated with its expressive and very marcantes pictures for its colors and forms. For the part of the afternoon, beyond all these events, still we had moments of descontrao and total integration. first of them it was the Workshop of creative Dance and Movement, having as responsible the Teacher kika, assisted for Marcelinho and the Rita.Foi teacher a moment of total integration between pupils of the school, teachers, pupils of the schools special and the community! As they had said: ' ' The dance bombou' '! We had the pretty presentation very and assayed well of the Group of Dance of the CEL Fazendinha, of the Luciana Teacher, who raised galera! for speaking in raising, the Battery mirim of the School Ambassadors of the Joy, was puted in charge very well of this. It was a rhythm show that made all to find that already it was really carnival! How penalty! All these activities had happened without the interruption of the Workshops of Percussion, EVA, Salty and are clearly! Of the contao of history, with always the dedicated Denise. We of the schools and participants were a very rewarding Saturday for all right-handers, where he took advantage the equality and the joy!

Degree Work

At the time of graduation, many students are already just too busy personal lives or careers, but because almost the entire student world at the final training course is divided into two categories of people: those who do graduate work in order, and those of their orders. Only a few, usually from those that are labeled in graduate school and associate their future with the future of teaching in high school, try not to simply exercise their right to choose the topic from the list of possible topics for dissertations, and themselves they are trying to develop an appropriate topic to post, in consultation with the supervisor and head of the department, to work specifically on it. Is it worth the candle , to solve each. We consider a concrete example. We have no right to advise you on which way to go.

Write a thesis itself or order its execution of people willing to bear the burden associated with writing of such work problems on themselves – it's everyone. Thesis work should be done based on the study of a large number of sources of scientific data and literature, laws, regulations documents, statistical compilations, analytical reports, and its performance is associated with the passage of several labor-intensive steps, which could mean the physical inability to perform such work by some students, who have already managed to start a family and related a bunch of problems that require ongoing involvement and an enormous amount of time. Perhaps, with the option of writing a research paper on an order for such people – the best solution, because whether it's custom diploma in Moscow, St. Petersburg or any city, already on the plain-kind hand of professionals will be able to not only get rid of a headache for the draw in terms of delivery thesis, to which all did not reach his hands, but also instill confidence that the graduate work will not just be implemented and executed on a good grade.

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