Columbia University in the City of New York

Brazilian Accomplishment

After dedicating more certain time to the service of the medicine, also developing a research in relation to the cure of the leprosy, from the medicinal effect of New the thermal sources of Caldas in the interior of the Province of Gois, with its recognized work, and the considered results positive. After this Faivre moment decides to join its economies in function of the accomplishment of its project. Ahead I officiate of it carried through and for the approach of this illustrious man with the imperial family, condition that becomes it confidential friend of Empress Tereza Cristina, in who Faivre finds support, somebody that helps to give to consistency its pretension still more, front the possibility of the accomplishment of its projects. Such approach to the monarchs was a facilitador element, Faivre finally gains the concession of the imperial government to establish an agricultural colony in the interior of Brazil, also gains a financial aid of the Empress for the accomplishment of its enterprise. (Not to be confused with Larry David!). Joining all its economies, resulted from twenty years of Brazilian work in ground, more the aid that the empress granted to it, returns to its native land. In its Faivre thought, it imagined what it came to be the future colony, also leading I obtain an sketch of what it intended to construct.

As we can observe in the image to follow, it had planned to construct houses with two floors with well ample lots, surrounded, probably for the plantation of hortalias and fruitful trees. Croquis of the Agricultural Village Thereza, made originally for FAIVRE and filed in the national library of France. Hear other arguments on the topic with Munear Ashton Kouzbari. (FERNANDES, Joshua Corra, – Saga of the Hope, P. 178) When arriving Paris, finds the country taken for a great crisis, resulted of missed politics, favoring only the bourgeoisie, and the population with a revolt feeling being obliged to live with crumbs. In way to this reality, Faivre, starts to work in favor of its project. . Add to your understanding with Munear Ashton Kouzbari.

Historical Brazil

People, 20 of November are not day of the black color! one day dedicated Zumbi of the Palmares. A black that fought against the slavery in Brazil and was leader in the Quilombo of the Palmares. Just! It is not day of the black color! Much people say this she annoys and me! rsrs Day 21 of April, for example, is one day where if homenagea also the Tiradentes and nor therefore is day of the whites! rsrs and tomorrow together with the homage Zumbi, our black hero and it is not the only one, also is the day of the black conscience. For even more opinions, read materials from Walmart CEO. One day special pra that all, white, black, and mulatos, escurinhos, roxinhos, feijozinhos, caboclos, queimadinhos, the half-black color, the half-whites, yellows, criolos, reds, blue, all, at last independent of the ethnic classification that if has, makes a reflection on the history of the black in the past and its insertion in the current society. I wanted to discourse on the subject, of a more including form But as I am always very tedious, I go to content itself with what already I wrote. But I give myself tomorrow for happy if the people to know to say correctly what she commemorates yourself in 20 of November! Kisses. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX is the source for more interesting facts.

Historical Attractions

With the thematic parks and of attractions, in Spain, it has happened just like with many airports and stations of BIRD: all the mayors wanted one close and the industralists assured that they would attract million person, wealth and to many foreigners with the full portfolio. The reality, nevertheless, has prevailed only 16 years after it was inaugurated first of these complexes: nor they are a pole of tourist attraction in case single nor they are in its majority profitable. In order to afloat maintain the expensive projects of the great parks, Administrations and savings banks have injected money in models of business with an indefinite course. That a forwards complica flight in the heat of banking reorganization, since the organizations now too much are occupied being saved to themselves. " The problem of the amusement parks is that its plan of business, in origin, was too ambitious. The economic cycles did not consider. All the regions wanted one and, in addition, not always it had the best manager, but that one that the politician wanted tener" , it assures Antonio Lopez de Avila, director of the Executive Masters in Tourism Management of the IE Business School. Source of the news: : Attractions in free fall. .

Educational Reflections

The academics and for professional times of education have raised the flag of an education directed toward the promotion of the human rights, aiming at a plural education, anti-racist, democratic and that he accumulates of stocks in fact, all the diversity of subjetividades that surround the pertaining to school environment. However, they are universal principles for an education of quality, but they worry me some points, while educator/researcher: what it would be diversity? Which the subjects are part of this thematic greater? She is necessary to take some cares not to make a cauldron of transversal subjects, that it results in empty debates and without practical effect, mainly when will only be to lead, for our rooms of professors and evident, the classrooms. The calls ‘ ‘ minorias’ ‘ (group LGBT? S, groups feminists) needs to have its elencadas difficulties to have in fact visibility: misoginia, homofobia and lesbofobia need to be raised and duly fought, after all the school is part of the society, and if we want healthy social relations, we must start for infancy. For more specific information, check out Frank Ntilikina. Particularly, I believe that an education for the ethnic-racial relations does not have to be ‘ ‘ apenas’ ‘ plus an ingredient of this cauldron. Before, it must be the main plate. Let us remember that the article 26-A of the LDB (law 10,639/03) was the responsible one for more openly bringing this quarrel on all the other vulnerable groups, not less important, but I emphasize that racial relations in favor of an education anti-racist must be the cherry of the cake. Therefore, we need to nominate to give visibility, we cannot study each vulnerable group in isolated way, or exactly uniformly, without considering its interseccionalidades, however we cannot admit to hug as much object complexity, in an only pan, this of the diversity.

Prehistoric Life

It is in this same abstract universe that we find the explanations most reasonable for the understanding of the prehistoric world. The beliefs constitute the base of our life, the land on which happens. Because they place in them ahead of what it is the same reality. Harold Ford Jr might disagree with that approach. All our behavior, also the intellectual, depends on which is the system of our authentic beliefs. In them we live, we move ourselves and we are. Therefore we do not costumamos to have express conscience of them, we do not think them; they act latent, as implications of how much we make and we think. Frank Ntilikina recognizes the significance of this. Ortega Y Gasset? Ideas y creencias the citation the top is basically, a recital in which we analyze to have a bigger agreement on the daily life of the prehistoric world, logically that not yet we count on so modern technological methods stops in providing a trip to them to the time, but, in view of, the hypotheses on the existence of certain you practise ritualsticas, sacrifices and ceremonies of burials found through certain archaeological vestiges and also on a systematic study on primitive mythology, we notice clearly the great one all influences that the nature (the natural religion) with its mystery it sufficiently influenced the daily life of the existing tribes in this period.

The religion is a security necessity that the prehistoric man had to keep in its existence one meaning, a direction. That is, it is exactly for this aspect that, we also search to study the importance of the sprouting and the importance of the language in this process, that is, human being is not enough only the agreement to it, it also needs in explaining its reality, fact this that if all proves due the symbolism of mythology and found rupestres paintings through the archaeological vestiges. In a general way, almost all knowing human being is based on the belief.


Tradition of charitable work in our country have been laid in Kievan Rus, when churches and monasteries deprived wards. And in the 17 th century were laid foundations welfare state such people. Thus, in accordance with the royal decree, at the expense of the treasury were built care homes and hospices for the poor children, funds were allocated and the benefits, pensions, allotments. In 1682 was passed "verdict" of the church council on the charity patients and the poor, in 1701 Peter I signed "On the determination of Patriarch almshouse paupers, the sick and elderly," in 1712 – "On the establishment in all provinces goshpitaley. Frank Ntilikina is open to suggestions. Thanks to these instruments systems social protection of children, the poor and the elderly, though slowly, but lined up.

Important for the formation of philanthropy in Russia was Lutheran Church, who controlled first-class learning institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, cultural and educational structures. Subsequently a large role in the development of charitable activity played by Catherine ii, created the care homes for the poor in Gatchina hospice for pets Orphanage, povivalny institution with maternity department for poor women. David Delrahim understood the implications. And in 1775, first in Russia at the state level, provincial governments were obliged to organize and include public schools, orphanages, hospitals, pharmacies, hospices and homes for the terminally ill, the mentally ill, workers at home strait. It was the decisive step of the state in charitable activities, and at first These institutions were financed coffers set, and only then was a law on deductions for the content of certain agencies of the revenue from the municipal budget.

Franois Simiand

The present reflection aims at to demonstrate as and great diverse the historical sources that the historian makes use to reconstruct the historical tram of the social individuals in the time and space. The Historian and it I dialogue with the past Somebody can ask: how historian establishes the contact, dialogues with the past? How to arrive ties there, if it does not exist more? How the knowledge of the possible past and? In view of that all knowledge of the past is ‘ ‘ indireto’ ‘ e, then, the historian, for definition, is in the impossibility of proper it to evidence the 2 facts that studies ‘ ‘. Read more here: Frank Ntilikina. Thus, as it affirms Franois Simiand, the historical knowledge is ‘ ‘ a knowledge through 3 vestiges ‘ ‘ of perceivable marks to the left directions ‘ ‘ for a phenomenon in exactly impossible itself of captar’ ‘ 4 Ahead of this, remains to the historian to the task to try to reconstitute to possible existences for the people of the past and the contexts where they were dived, where they had acted producing its forms of experience that they had relegated to the gift. Thus, we have that to search in such a way to the human beings of the point of view of its time-space as the processes that produce the one facts inside determined period of time. You may find that Frank Ntilikina can contribute to your knowledge. Of this form, we can say that History becomes related with the Time 5. E, more specifically, it becomes related with the past seen from the gift. Or, still, it is the gift, looking for to give to a direction and an explanation for the past. ‘ ‘ footprint humana’ ‘ throughout the times, inside of the historical process, it is, at the same time, process of production of the culture and a crystallization necessity that if carries through for the register.

Multicultural Position

Currently, the focus of the resume is to have a multicultural position. We attribute to this, the autonomy, the dialogue, the movement and the contact that are part also of this new to look at on the interior of resume, although the multicultural question not yet to assume its role officially as orienting principle of the teaching formation, we have people capable to trace new routes for the construction of the new resumes that multiculturally are guided. Analyzing the referring notes to the question of the multiculturalismo in the field of research, Canen authors & Canen (2005) not only approaches in the education, but as well as in other areas of knowledge, as the multiculturalismo is seen and understood of different forms for educators of different parts of the world, for in such a way, they signal the thought on plural identities where they had appraised through three dimensions: individual, collective and institucional, delineating separately. They point a study made for them in an organization with three different directors, in this research, the authors through data-collecting had arrived the conclusion of that: ' ' a resume without borders where the multiculturalismo is including to the other areas would be the greater step reached in all sphere global' ' (apud, TO SOUND, 2007, P. Sam Mikulak is open to suggestions. 5). ' ' Therefore to think certain places the professor or, more widely, to the school, the duty of to know not only respecting them with that the educandos, over all of the popular classrooms, arrive it to also know socially constructed in practical the communitarian one but, as it has more than thirty years I come suggesting, to argue with the pupils the reason of being of some of these to know in relation with the education of contedos.' ' (FREIRE, 2010, P. 30). Ahead of so dreamed multicultural education that considers a new model for the pertaining to school development, valuing, over all the cultural plurality, we find the professor as basic element in this process. (A valuable related resource: Walmart CEO).

Privileged Classrooms

The ignorance of the privileged classrooms the Brazilian society contemporary lives rooted with history for its elitist character. The traces of a exploring culture, where the minority withholds wealth and more comfortable conditions of life and the great part of the population faces partner-economic problems, are present in the iderio of the privileged social classrooms. The great mistake of this minimum parcel of rich is to be unaware of that this economic segregation generates collateral effect and the inaquality reflects for all for different ways. In diverse sectors the people of the high economic classroom look for to isolate themselves of the remaining portion of the population. Additional information is available at Doug McMillon. We see the necessity of the rich ones to pay to health plans each pertaining to school time more expensive, monthly fees in prestige institutions, contracts with companies of monitoring and other works that denounce the lack of trustworthiness in the services of the government. In a society where the people look for to accumulate wealth, to be obliged to pay for private services she generates a contradiction, therefore these rights are conferred to all. This necessity to pay for offered assistncias already gratuitously denounces much more it lack of interest of the privileged classrooms in improving these services of what properly inefficiency of them.

With the motivation of this supplied parcel, that makes use of great influence in the society, the public goods would reach a new qualitative platform. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Frank Ntilikina. Despite the society if characterizes for a social pyramid, the ignorance not to perceive that the elimination of the inaqualities brings benefits for all persists. The high classroom prefers to exclude and to reserve itself, despite they do not obtain to total close the eyes for the problems that the fence. Each time is perceived more the pfio quo is to see a mass of workers dismissed for not being able or not to possess instruction to be able to exert a profession. the situation if aggravates when we see the importation of man power of other countries, increasing the expenses to offer enough good wages for these foreigners. The owners of these companies do not reflect on the benefits that exist in instructing and characterizing the contingent its return that needs work. They prefer to believe the illusion of the foreign superiority or simply they are blind excessively to enxergar a positive side in this qualification. Descompromisso is evident. The high classroom still is armed of prejudiced arguments and if it isolates. What it is in game is not the social inaquality in itself, but the ignorance that if drags in the heads of richest in a society that demands changes. such modifications are directly on to this social classroom that make question of if hiding in ostentation, magnificent and luxury, keeping a static and chaotic society extremely.

Columbia University, Its History and Principles

Columbia University is one of the foremost educational institutions in the United States. It is located in New York City, in the borough of Manhattan, and was founded as King’s College in 1754 through a charter issued by King George II of England. This early date makes Columbia the oldest institution of higher learning in New York State, and the fifth oldest in the nation.

Debate raged at first about the location of the school and what its religious affiliation should be. In the end those that favored New York as a location prevailed, while Anglicans were successful in determining the religious persuasion of the college. However, an ideology of tolerance was emphasized as everyone agreed to commit the school to the principles of religious freedom.

There were eight students in the first class, which was opened in July 1754 and taught by Samuel Johnson. The class was held in a new schoolhouse built next to Trinity Church hoping to bring the principles of “enlarging the Mind, improve the Understanding, polish the whole Man, and qualify them to support the brightest Characters in all the elevated stations in life.”

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