Columbia University in the City of New York

Brazilian History

Foucault effect in the Brazilian historiografia comes, since years 80 of century XX, extending gamma of documents and boardings with that the historian can operate, another author helps who to at the beginning think me this last elencado questioning of this text is Gilles Deleuze, that says that we must perscrutar e, perscrutando during the writing of this text, sees that as much thematic of the letter of Rubens F. the Days, as musical the poetical speech/of the popular songs and others not so popular, thick way, has as always white the feminine sort and not rare the times all ‘ ‘ itens’ ‘ main, namely: passion, pardon, treason, declarations of love, are gifts, the times in certain songs all together, implicit or explicit they. Of – us certain impression of that this speech and the feminine sort is indissociveis, not rare times the woman is placed as who commits treason and the man cannot more pardon it, but when who is the man commits the treason, lasts the passion and they drain torrents of declaration of love. Recently Randall Rothenberg sought to clarify these questions. Concluding, I want to say that music does not need to stop to inspire desires and to produce subjetividades, not even fondness to be a speech ‘ ‘ verdadeiro’ ‘ solemn e, I do not want to think an art that is ‘ ‘ scientific/verdadeira’ ‘ and/or to have a statute that credencie as such, but would like that as much the historians and the poets/composers wrote/composed as he suggests Durval Muniz ‘ ‘ To write and to live as fire that consumes, as fogueira that crepita, that it launches fagulhas of hope and wisdom the impensadas distances, to write texts and subjects that burn in the hands and the minds, that calcine the well held certezas and truths knowing of them to discipline and disciplinados’ ‘ 4. I question the poet and the historian because I see much similarity between both and dream with a writing/composition ‘ ‘ artstica’ ‘ , not a intelectualizada art that only some few will be able to understand, but I long for yes a creative art, that force the language, that do not fall in the common place where if it crystallizes old practical, art that they have as white the independent citizen of sort, art that it does not give to place not the creativity, but yes to the multiplicity. .


Before enumerating the entailed important names to the History of Parnamirim she is necessary, one more time, to stand out the prominence the Martinho of the Agra Coast – Lieutenant Colonel come of Catol of the Rock in the Paraba, son of a lawyer and politician, councilman some times in Great Campina, also Lieutenant? Lieutenant Colonel and descending sertanista of Portuguese. Martinho of the Agra Coast was the founder of the Village of Santana of the Bag, responsible for the first measures of lands and definition of the village of Santana and the towns of Humait and Belmonte, old farms that had given origin to the Leopoldina and, that it is currently, the city of Parnamirim. Also if the religious influence of cult must to the Brgida de later Alencar Mrs. Santana and its participation politics for rise of the Town of the Bag to the Village of Santana and to the city of Leopoldina.

Although they do not have indications that it has it known the village of Santana of the Bag, but registers of the church catholic give to account of tickets of Brgida in the farms and existing villages that were of the clientele of Cabrob, for occasion of the missions where it folloied the crafts of the church in the chapels whose donation of lands is done for it. Of pertaining to the state of Cear family, Brgida of the Virgins of Alencar, was born in Cabrob, the start of century XVIII, in the period where cariri, whose lands were being taken for the Portuguese government, for the settling had aldeamento. Brgida was initially leaseholder of the House of the Tower of the Garci’as D? Avila, later buying all the old one would sesmaria, becomes rich farmer and heiress of the lands that before lease.

Equal History

Following this analogy we can say that an edge is composed for the historians with its methodologies and theories, tools that they judge to qualify them to tell the past, thus constructing a direct and explicativa narrative of what it happened. The historians use of the speech giving emphasis to the reason, to the power, the conquest and the domain. In the opposing edge they are the literary ones of the letters that use the passions, poetical dimensions of the existence and the intuitivo in its chronic narratives of the past. Durval Muniz surprises when presenting for an alternative that is not become involved in the controversy between: historical narrative X literary narrative. You may want to visit Frank Ntilikina to increase your knowledge. Using of the metaphor of the edges, that supposedly limit and contain the river, it searchs one third edge as analysis possibility. Another edge, where the two previous ones if would find and mix its flow, suffering a purificao, a rationalization, where if it would give attention as a whole to the actions and practical human beings. In synthesis, this new edge means to think that History is not transferred only in the place of the nature, the reality, of the event, nor neither of the side of the representation, the culture, the subjectivity, the idea or the narrative. History passes between them, in the indiscernimento of the divisions, the mixture of the varied elements, hardwired and articulated for the language.

History if passes in this third edge, of devir, the flow. Equal History to a river it produces its edges. However, Durval Muniz, of the one word of caution to if covering this third edge; as historians we cannot forgetting in them our commitment with the methodical production of one to know, with the pragmatic establishment of an institucional one and must continue respecting the rules for the production of this knowledge. We must articulate these two areas of knowledge, think one with the other, without, however, open hand of the possessed scientific dimension for the historians.

Mayan Long Count

At the end of the 20-day cycle continues through rooms days (until it reaches 13), and the period starts anew again comes Imish. There are several hypotheses trying to explain why the Mayan Tzolkin chosen for a period of 260 days. Some are inclined to the hypothesis that this period coincides with the time of maturation of human embryo in the womb, while others relate this cycle to the synodic period of the motion of Mars, etc. Mayan sacred calendar called the Tzolkin, daruyuschim ordinary mortals the opportunity to interact with the forces of the universe. Along with Tzolkin, Maya entered another calendar – Haab, is sunny and containing 365 days a year.

Haab was the basis of civic life of the Maya, it focused during agricultural work. Year in the Haub contains 19 months, each of which consists of 20 days. The last nineteen months included only five days, which did not have names. This month was called Vayeb and inserted in order to accurately reflect the maximum calendar year solar cycle. In recent months, NBA has been very successful. Some scientists believe that such a calendar is basically guided by the movement of all five planets, and therefore more accurately approximate the tropical year than the Gregorian calendar.

The discrepancy with solar year is only 20 seconds. To measure long periods of time used so-called Mayan Long Count, which was produced using a selection of special periods. The smallest unit Long Count was considered kin (day). Among other units can uinal (20 days), tun (360 days), katun (7,200 days), baktun (144000 days). Thus, according to the laws of the Long Count, the greatest period of 13 baktuns, which equates to 1,872,000 days or 5,125 years. If we take into account that one cycle, which is currently ongoing began on August 13 3114 bc, its completion will be the date – December 21, 2012. There are many interpretations of the end of this cycle, some even believe that this day must come to an end. Less than a marginal opinion is that on Dec. 21, 2012 – is only the beginning of a new era, which will be called the Fifth Sun. However, it remains to set unsolved mysteries, which conceals an amazing Mayan calendar, and probably the key to their understanding will be found not soon

Alexander Ukovicha

Temnikov is the oldest city in the territory of Mordovia. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of NBA on most websites. He is like a double birth. Here’s how to Temnikov said in a geographical and statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire, drawn up by Semenov: “Temnikov – county town Tambov province. The city’s 327 miles to the north-east of Tambov, in the river navigable Moksha. Temnikov a long-standing time was on the ground Mordovians that at the end of the xiv century recognized the Grand Duke of Moscow. From annals show that Temnikov originally was not in the same place, and somewhere on the other, but also on the river Moksha; on this same spot moved only in 1536 and was built up from March 29 to August 2. Time of its foundation remains unknown, and unknown, who was its founder and for some reason, it has emerged.

It is believed that Temnikov appeared in the period of Tatar domination, since the Tatars there was a rank or position “temnikov”, ie desyatitysyachnikov, however, other names it is produced from dense forests surrounding the town. Six miles from this town lies the village of Old Settlement, or Old City, the river Moksha standing on the assumptions in place Originally the city, but here, however, have not saved any remnants of antiquity. In general, must believe that Temnikov built for the preservation of land from invading Mordvinian Nogai and Crimeans Renowned historian, nm Karamzin in the “History of the Russian State, wrote:” Tula was named after Queen Tayduly, wife Chanibekovoy and once controlled her Baskakov, remains the property of Demetrius, as well as former Mordovia region Meschera, bought them from Gdask baptized prince named Alexander Ukovicha.

Mikhail Bulgakov

Tolstoy’s house – a city within a city, and he, too, there is a place where legends and stories of old accumulate negative energy, which unites the whole mental illness at home in Rome in the cloaca Maxim’s draining sewage and filth of the city. On a bad apartment in Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita, wrote: “We must say that this apartment – 50 – has long enjoyed, if not bad, at least, a strange reputation. ” Bad “Bulgakov’s” apartment was number 50, seven rooms and was located on the fifth floor of a six-storey building. By Ironically evil forces bad “Tolstoy’s” apartment is number 60, eight rooms and is located on the sixth floor, oddly enough, also a six-storey building. Probably to the house was got bad apartment, it is necessary that he had just six floors. Since the construction of the house in it, as Bulgakov wrote, “began the devil knows what.” In one way or another resident of the accursed apartment necessarily occur incomprehensible to others metamorphosis: he becomes aggressive, arrogant, envious and malicious. To put it briefly, then turned into a “city of a Madman. His lumpen claims to aristocratic attitude of others provoked disgust and unwillingness to communicate.

His “sharikovskie” stories of “good education” is puzzling and the desire as little as possible in contact with such “obrazovantsem. As a rule, all the “education” next “Sharikova” during a difficult home life was manifested in numerous denunciations.

Bible Reality

After a drastic change , harassment church councils, the Russian community remains, as Russian passivity. Likewise, she stayed on and after the Soviet collapse. The parallels with the present pre-revolutionary Russia is dedicated to another article of mine. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as olympics by clicking through. Thus, it can be conclusion that Orthodoxy and Catholicism as (like Protestantism) are rather a description of the historical and social reality (sort of an excuse) than by the fact that this reality has created. Therefore we can say that attempts to write off certain historical events and phenomena of religion in Russia is unlikely to have a good reason. For example, in the early 20 th century Russian Slavophiles talked about non-violent and femininity of the Russian soul, but after 1917, Russian people of all showed his non-violent (and especially himself).

However, if the ideology and religion in the past have been a description of reality, this does not mean that in future, religion can become a creator reality. The fact that the last Russian resignation was not due to Orthodoxy, and the rigid centralization of authority and dishonesty of many people, does not mean that in future the Orthodox will not be able to create a genuine humility in Russia, it is based on deep understanding of the Bible. To do this, that people are deeply understood, knew and were interested in religion, then that religion influences them, shapes their lives and the lives of the country (since some people are part of the country). Not surprisingly, the last religion could not form the humility or activity, but it was only the cover of economic or political interests (enough to remember taking the Crusaders Constantinople in 1204 and how they themselves were there).


And in order to better understand this process, the scientific potential of pa "happiness of the people" decided to bring information to people, the true meaning of which for years was hidden in vague predictions of the prophets. These data are a continuation of the previous articles, "The Heart of Nostradamus belonged Lugansk", "Why Luhansk destined to become Svyatograd?" And open towards humanity Lost on Earth many years ago, happiness, thus restoring the true meaning of words and concepts. Also, these data open the curtain on how and by whom a person learns to perceive happiness as he knew him at the dawn of its existence, when happiness was still the main aspiration of every human being. Whenever olympics listens, a sympathetic response will follow. We have already talked about that after the Flood the earth was divided between the seven archangels (highly consciousnesses Shower), six of which gave rise to new races of people who are not descendants of Adam and Eve. This they have fulfilled the will of the Overmind (God), who was trying to find out whether accidental betrayal of Adam and indeed Do so to blame the former King of Angouleme, unable to save the earth freely given to people Overmind (God) happiness.

Thus, in different parts of the Earth entered a new era of human existence under the leadership of seven Archangels. In the hierarchical structure of each of the archangels were angels and people. Some of the angels are on earth at that time was still retained immortality. Also possessed of immortality, and some people – those who were generated by an angel and man, and so were their most loved ones.


Of course that the antrpica action tends to speed up this process, mainly when the intervention is made without the had knowledge, with incautiousness or indifference. The city of Brook of the Plaza comes being systematically deforested, being its used native vegetation as firewood and in the coal production; infrastructure workmanships, as the existing roads, cut to the hillsides and the riverbed removing the vegetation and displaying ground; springs, eyes d' water, rivers and streams have its ciliares bushes withdrawals, favoring the reduction of the outflow and, in some cases, the fast disappearance of sources. The ribeirense population originates from the miscegenation at the beginning enters the first tamers of century XX, slaves who had come here, after the abolition and the indians imbors. The estimate of the IBGE for the year of 2009 is for a population of 14.528 inhabitants as picture below, the population has agricultural and masculine predominance and with less than 35 years. The population of Brook of the Plaza got a reduction of the population number, had the loss of territory for Crossroads in 2010, however, this number will be able to go up, therefore justice gave to prevailing the Brook of the Plaza in the year of 2011. It had a reduction in the relative number of children in the first ages and the trend of growth of the group de20 a29 years. Characterizing a process of relative aging of the population: reducing in this way the population in the etria band of children with less than 01 year of age, which had to the high index of proven mortality for the lack of specialized medical assistance, and also is possible to mainly perceive economically considerable an active population in the group of people who vary de20 a39 years, beyond an expressive population of people with more than 50 years of age resulted of the increase of the life expectancy. .

World War

In 1645, Fernando III, heir to the Holy Roman Empire, saw with concern how their forces were defeated at the Battle of Jankau (now Czech Republic) to the French and Swedish troops led by Lennart Torstensson. With this victory, it was difficult for his enemies forced in 1647 to Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, to break his alliance with Holy Roman Empire. This virtually marked the end of War of 30 years. Distant times it was simply a war of beliefs, had now become a conflict in which the territorial interests were everything. With its recent impetus, a joint effort of the different lands Habsburg (Austria, Spain, Northern Italy and Germany) could not achieve victory in battles or Zusmarhausen and Lens. In bankruptcy, and annoyed by the terrible French pressure, had to negotiate access.

The End of a long conflict Peace of Westphalia, a treaty whose impact was decisive for the future of the Western world, it's like is referred to two specific agreements reached in the cities of Osnabruck and Munster (Germany) in 1648, one on May 15 and the other on 24 October. Under these agreements, putting an end to the war between the warring states and concluded that the confrontation was facing 80 years in Spain with the Republic of the Seven Netherlands. However, the main direct consequence was the weakening of the position of Austria and Spain and the strengthening of France (represented by Cardinal Mazarin) who earned numerous territories on its eastern border, including Metz and Alsace. It was not the only beneficiary. Brandenburg, through the mediation of France (which sought to promote a power in northern Germany which restores the balance with Austria) annexed many territories and formed the core of what the coming decades would be the kingdom of Prussia. United Provinces also small achieved the ultimate recognition of their independence, and Sweden became the greatest power in northern Europe Denmark to corner making their continental space. As we see, the scope of this treaty reconfigure the entire European organization. Hence its immense importance.

The consequences of Westphalia went beyond a mere territorial adjustment. Human lives and material destruction was perhaps as big as a World War. During the course of it, for example, the population of the Holy Roman Empire was reduced by 30%. In Brandenburg reached 50%, and in other regions including two thirds of the total. The male population in Germany was reduced by half. In the Czech lands the population fell by one third due to war, hunger, disease and mass expulsion of Protestant Czechs. Swedish armies alone destroyed during the 2000 war castles, 18,000 villages and 1,500 towns in Germany. Finally, the old idea that the Emperor and the Pope could mediate in the affairs of Christendom, was exterminated, and the idea of succeeding French State, which was rejected by the interference by foreign powers in the internal affairs of the kingdom. The papacy was thus definitively separated from the participation that had held in the European policy decisions, and the Empire became an institution expires.

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